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I have found out in a good month long search and work on my family's tree on, I have learned I am related to all the Kings and Queens of Europe, including the Capet Family of France that ruled France until the the French Revolution.  With things going badly in Europe, I have decided to follow in family's footsteps and restore their Catholic Kingdoms of Europe.



With the re-Christianizing of Europe and restoring the traditional form of government, we must also restore the traditional Educational Policies. There will be no more of these Public Schools controled by the government, the mother and father of each family even though must work to help fund and take care of their family, they will be responsible for educating their children on the Faith, On Morals and Catholic Principles and how to be a good person and a good Catholic. The mother and father will tell them at the proper time, about human sexuality according to the teachings of the Catholic Church and Pope St. John Paul II. When it reaches the time for the children to receive the Holy Eucharist and their first Holy Confession and Confirmation, then will their studies increase through the instruction by the Priest who will teach them Catechism lessons and on Scripture and prepare them for these Sacraments. The parents will also teach their son or daughter or both; on how to be holy husbands and wives and to welcome the children God bless them with when they are married and to never deny any life. What About College? Colleges will be reformed and restored back to how they were founded and there will be no more leftist, secularist, modernist ideology taught there, what will be taught is the Classic Studies of Theology, Philosophy, Logic, Rhetoric, Oratory, and Traditional Sciences founded on Father Roger Bacon and Latin language, Traditional Math. How to Keep College Prices Low? There will be no sport teams connected to it, no high priced stadiums, coaches, training facilities and the teachers will be religious brothers and religious priests who are of teaching orders, plus regular clergy who are Masters in these fields. Also, the students will be taught manual labor, chopping wood, cleaning game animals, mopping floors, cleaning, cooking, washing clothing, painting and so forth, this way They will work and help the up keep of the college while living on campus; plus they will learn how to hunt and grow food. These skills will also be taught at home by their parents. Sport Teams Yes, there will be soccer teams. Youth 6-12 year olds, Teens 13-20; Twenty-one up; which will have the Pro Teams and all will be national teams. To join, the kids, boys to boys teams and girls to girls teams; and they will scrimmage against those currently on the team and then test their skill position; striker, winger, defensive back, center back, keeper and if they score full 10 on all items, then they can join, if 80% to 60% join, 50 and below, try again at a later date. To fund this, same principle; team managers will maintain grass or turf, the professional builders will also help train people to help build the stadiums, and those who are 18 to 20 and not playing, will run the ticket stands and concession stands and help keep the stadiums clean and ready for play. Security will be provided by the SRT teams to help scan the people coming into the stadiums and fan zone if there are no room in the stadium.



We will no longer follow the secular model of housing where we have to pay thousands up to millions for a home, we will begin to re-learn the lost art of house building and barn building as our ancestors have done for thousands of years and we will help those who are in need of a new home by teaching the new homesteaders how to build things from scratch, how to till and farm and plant crops to feed their family, but also take part in the local markets that will help the whole community grow and flourish, we will give them a voucher for the supplies needed for their home and help to get it made.  My grandparents homestead was the first one ever to have running water in America, all these new homesteads will too.  More will come on this in the future regarding the housing in towns and villages.

More On Housing in the writing The Land


From a Fellow Traditional Catholic of the same mindset over at Fully Christian and he shared this regarding healthcare and we must follow it to the letter: “ In an ideal world, Distributists would prefer the use of healthcare guilds and cooperative ownership of hospitals and such. Current patent laws on pharmaceuticals and medical equipment would be eliminated and replaced with licensing laws, allowing creators of such things to become wealthy on licensing others to manufacture them. This distributes production and drives the overall cost of these things down for consumers (patients and guilds).

The overarching philosophy of Distributist healthcare is not only making sure everyone is covered, and medical debt is eliminated, but also driving down the cost of healthcare. The former cannot happen without the latter.” This will be our Healthcare System



"In the beginning, then, as the Holy Scripture says(1), it was hidden beneath the waters, and was unwrought, that is to say, not beautified. But at God's bidding, places to hold the waters appeared, and then the mountains came into existence, and at the divine command the earth received its own proper adornment, and was dressed in all manner of herbs and plants, and on these, by the divine decree, was bestowed the power of growth and nourishment, and of producing seed to generate their like. Moreover, at the bidding of the Creator it produced also all manner of kinds of living creatures, creeping things, and wild beasts, and cattle. All, indeed, are for the seasonable use of man: but of them some are for food, such as stags, sheep, deer, and such like: others for service such as camels, oxen, horses, asses, and such like: and others for enjoyment, such as apes, and among birds, jays and parrots, and such like. Again, amongst plants and herbs some are fruit bearing, others edible, others fragrant and flowery, given to us for our enjoyment, for example, the rose and such like, and others for the healing of disease. For there is not a single animal or plant in which the Creator has not implanted some form of energy capable of being used to satisfy man's needs. For He Who knew all things before they were, saw that in the future man would go forward in the strength of his own will, and would be subject to corruption, and, therefore, He created all things for his seasonable use, alike those in the firmament, and those on the earth, and those in the waters." St. John of Damascus


In restoring the Traditional Catholic State, the Authentic Catholic Relgion and Teachings will be the practice of the land and will not accept any Muslim practicing Sharia Law, I have heard from some so-called Muslims who do not truly understand their own religion and saying "Sharia is not a law, but living a God centered life"  I must inform you, Sharia is a religious law of the heretical sect who follow Mohammad, Truth of This Sect Found Here and Here if they want to pray and live in our land and be at peace, we will restore the religious tax used in the time of the Crusades that they had to pay.  We wish all to be converted back to Christ and His Holy Catholic Church and through this form of government, we will help to spread the Faith back to those who have forgotten it or was forced out through violence against Christians in the Middle East.  We will be restoring the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and Byzantium as well.

No longer will there be any fireworks or celebrations in the streets for Bastille Day, but 33 Days of Mourning For the Deadly Revolt Against Catholic France that reached all of Europe spreading secularism and modernism and killing the Faith of Europe to what we have currently in Europe

The Truth Regarding Bastille Day

I have decided to add to the 30 Gregorian Masses by 3 for all who died that terrible day many years ago.  The Bells will toll the number of those who died.

Criminal Justice System

Here, we will implement the teachings of the Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding Death Sentencing and Death Penalty, most in the Church lay and cleric go against the Catechism, which teaches the Doctrine of Faith, I have decided to return back to active duty for Death Penalty cases, the Guillotine; which is the most humane way to put a person on Death row to death, quick and painless.  This will not be a public spectacle as it was in the past, the same people who witness the killing will only be present; Judge, Members of Parliament, Priest, and any family the person may have had.

More On The Criminal Justice System and Prisons

Prison System

There will be two types of Prisons, one above ground for the lesser felons and one below ground around 250 feet. This one will be for murderers, rapists, terrorists, the worst of the worst.  Each cell for those down below ground will be 4 feet by 4 feet and just tall enough for a person to stand up in.  The normal cell bars plus break resistant glass all away around it, with a slot for food tray and any religious item the priest may give to them.  

There will be one cot, one pillow, one blanket, towels will be lowered down into the cell from special holes up top by bucket with cleaning items; soap and such; the shower and dry stall will be brought down by the elevator well guarded up top and as on the bottom main floor door and in the room where the cells are, plus electric shock invisible fence if the inmate thinks he can escape, the fence is turned off on the other side of the door and there are 20 Special Response Team Members ready at any moment for anything, the food also comes down this way too through the check point and so does the Priest on Prison ministry who will celebrate the Latin Mass and the Traditional Sacraments and Devotions, to help convert the inmates back to Christ and get them to have a clean soul and back into Sanctifying Grace before they are put to death.

Warfare Policy

Just War Theory of  St. Augustine, this thesis, I believe should help understand St. Augustine's idea of Just War even deeper, because it takes notes of the idea of Cicero and how much Cicero played a role in shaping Augustine, Cicero and St. Augustine's Just War Theory Then St. Thomas Aquinas' own theory on Just War and from the Summa Theologica 

Our main reason for fighting or going to war, is to protect our country and citizens that are being threatened or have been attacked and we will fight till the threat is no more.  If the threat comes from within, then it is the duty of the Military and Police to work as one and have one main goal in mind, protecting the citizens and the nation and killing the threat as soon as possible. 

There will be a wall with gates that lower like draw bridges to enter and exit the country by car or horse or wagon or by foot, also there will be an airport, a very strict and guarded airport, everything that comes into the country by plane has already gone through high level checks, back ground, identity, voice, eye scan, hand scan, finger print scan, blood and DNA scan to make sure these people are true travelers with good interests and not terrorists or invaders trying to hide their identity to sneak in and set up shop.  All these scanners will be hooked up to the world database and will trigger if anything is found and all TVs and Computers in the airport will show alert and alarms and then photos and video of who this person truly is. Also this will go to the military, police, bus and train station as well.  Same sort of procedures.

The citizens will have the right to come to the King and speak to him of their concerns, either in a public audience like they had in the old days or in private to get them help.  Also, the citizens will be allowed to own and carry a firearm and will be taught on how to use it, shoot it and clean it and when and where to use it if a threat emerges. Also, the citizens can go right up to the military or police and ask them for help or advice.

More On Warfare Policy

Another Item On Warfare Policy

Our Economic Policies

The Policies will be intertwined with the Catholic Faith and Catholic Teachings. 

The Economic Policies will be what the Church has taught through many different people, G.K. Chesterton Chesterton, Hillare Belloc, Leo XIII and Pope Pius IX and Pope St. John Paul II

So what did they call for, Distributism and this is where people get very confused and think it is socialism or communism or Marxist; which it isn't.  Also this article, What is Distributism? 

More on our Economic Policies by the Great English Catholic writer Hillare Belloc Property as Key to Social Justice

Also in the writing by Christopher Dawson The Land

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